Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools to support students on Free School Meals, Looked After Children and those children whose parents serve in the armed forces. From September 2012 schools must report how they have used the pupil premium and the impact it has had on pupil progress. Currently 70% of students at South Shore Academy are defined as being in this category.
Pupil Premium was created to tackle ‘educational inequality’ and is allocated to schools ‘in addition’ to their budget.
Schools are encouraged by the Department for Education to use the money to ‘narrow the gap’ in attainment between students in receipt of Free School Meals or those who are ‘Looked After’ as nationally there is a disparity between their attainment at GCSE and their peers.
Please click on the links below for the 2022/23 Pupil Premium Impact Report and the 2023/24 Pupil Premium Strategy.
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PP Impact Report Academic Year 2022-2023